Speak Up
about sexual/verbal harassment and assault
Sexual harassment/assault is unwanted or unwelcome behavior/action of a sexual nature that interferes unreasonably with the person’s ability to learn, study, work, achieve, or participate in activities.
What types of behavior qualify as sexual harassment?
- "Sexual harassment covers a range of behaviors, including but not limited to: touching, pinching, or grabbing body parts; sending sexual notes or pictures; writing sexual graffiti on bathroom walls; making suggestive or sexual gestures, looks, jokes, or verbal comments; spreading sexual rumors or making sexual propositions; pulling someone’s clothes off; pulling your own clothes off; sexual assault; and rape."
What Is Sexual Harassment And/Or Assault?
What is Title IX?
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, in all educational institutions that receive federal funds.
Does Oakland Tech have Title IX ?
- Technically, we do however there is only one Title IX coordinator that we share as a school district (which is estimated to be at about 40,000 students and staff total) to help with overseeing all complaints.
How is OUSD at enforcement of Title IX?
OUSD is currently neglecting its duty to provide the support for student with ONLY ONE Title IX coordinator for 40,000 students estimated. OUSD fails at giving students information of Title IX and how to file complaint thus leaving many unreported incidents of sexual harassment and even when reported, due to staff not being train in handling sexual harassment cases, leaves no changes made to help the victim. Also in a survey we made, when ask if they thought if the school enforces protection on those who been harass, many answer either no or I don't know. For more information on enforcement of Title IX, you can read this petition about Title IX in OUSD and while you're at it, support it by signing the petition.
Interesting/Shocking Fact about Sexual Harassment or Title IX
In 2013, California Department of Education send a letter to all school districts nationwide to complete a Title IX coordinators survey however the response was so low that the result could not be published.
It is estimated that 85% of school districts is out of Title IX compliance.