Speak Up
about sexual/verbal harassment and assault
Why we should share our stories?
Every year many students around the world are sexually harassed. For some, it can be enough to impact the students’ mental health, education, etc. By hearing their personal accounts, we can begin to understand the impacts caused by sexual harassment and spread awareness.
Have you or someone you know ever experienced sexual harassment? Do you or a friend want to share yours or help someone share their story? Contact us with your stories.
Date added: May 30, 2017
By: Anonymous
I am a student at Oakland Technical High School and almost everyday at school, I see someone being sexually and/or verbally harassed. I have seen my friend, Ms. X often harassed by the males at this school. A lot of times, I don't see teachers step in to help and the few times that they did, they only reprimanded the harasser with a warning. I find this to be a big problem which is very prominent at Tech. I also often hear males degrade woman and make sexual remarks about a female student's body. Sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's verbal, but to the harassed it is all hurtful. I haven't personally been the main target of severe sexual or verbal harassment but the remarks said also affect though it may not be towards me.
Date added: June 1, 2017
Submitted by: Anonymous
People may not believe you. They may tell you that you’re overreacting, that it was just an accident.They may assume that you somehow provoked this. That you wanted this to happen. They don’t know what it’s really like. To feel completely and totally violated. To see it happen in your mind’s eye over and over again. To feel those hands on you, as if they’re behind you again; they do not know the pain you’re feeling. But I do. I know what it’s like to be doubted. To be severed from the people you love. To feel out of control. To be silenced. I know what it’s like to feel disrespected, ignored, denied, weak, anxious, alone, misunderstood, violated, self-conscious, guilty, angry; and survive. When the world seems against you, or upside down, or unfair, or horrible, you have to stay strong. If you don’t find that inner strength, you won’t make it through. So you must fight. Stand up to those making your life hell, those who blame you, who don’t believe you. When they tie you down and tape your mouth shut, kick and scream as hard as you can, because if you stop screaming for a moment they swoop in and sew your lips shut. Don’t let them keep you silent. Don’t let them make you ashamed to have gone through this. When I was sexaully assaulted, I did not give up. I went back to the place of my attack to see my assaulter. I looked him in the eyes and told him how he hurt me. I let my emotions go, I let the tears run down my cheeks, I let my makeup wash away. I exposed my true self, a woman stripped of her confidence, her friends, her community, her safety, her stability, her education. And I told him what he did. And he just sat there. Insisting it was an accident. Not apologizing, not uncrossing his arms, closing his legs. I left that room feeling disrespected, naked, and beaten. And then I overcame. I went to talk to the administrators who were ignoring me, silencing me, and denying me an education. And I told them. I told them what they did wrong, what they should have done, what they needed to do. I told them what happened to me. And they still doubted me. They kept their mouths open and their ears closed, but I shouted into the void anyway, because I will never give up. And I will fight for justice, even if I never reach it, even if I die before any change comes from my words. And you need to fight, too. All walls come down eventually. Bricks will crumble, stones will tumble down with every one of our powerful words. But if we don’t all fight for our truth, for our voices, for our justice, this dominant narrative will never be overturned. So I need you to know that you are not guilty or shrill or emotional. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are a survivor. And nobody can take that away from you.